Psych…AP no more

Photo by Hans-Jurgen Weinhardt

While we are growing up, we are taught that lies are wrong and to always tell the truth. But somewhere along the line of life we lose this quality. Some people only misplace parts of the truth, but others run away from the it entirely. These laws that Florida has passed to alter their educational policies leaves the truth so far behind that I fear that everyone of that state will suffer. No good can come from these policies as young people will be blinded from what really is and perpetuate these lies for future generations. We cannot hide from the truth and it is my hope that someday no one will run from it anymore. Will we ever be strong enough to stand tall and face them down? Not as long as ignorance and fear rule our thoughts.

Florida strikes again! Fear of being “woke” has once again caused the students of that state to suffer the consequences of the ignorant. The greater fear is there seems to be no end in sight. Conservatives in the country want more freedom to allow the states to govern themselves but this another clear example that people are clearly not ready to handle the responsibilities of that freedom.

Florida superintendents were told by the state to cancel their AP Psychology courses for the 2023-24 academic year unless topics related to gender identity or sexual orientation are removed.

The College Board, the agency that oversees the nation’s Advanced Placement program has told Florida that without these topics, they will not allow the state’s students to receive credit for the class and will not allow them to take the exam. They told the state of Florida not to offer this class until the state reverses this decision. Statewide 30,000 kids were enrolled in the classes this year.

Noah Summerlin a rising senior at Leon HS responds to the state’s decision.

“As a student who completed the AP Psych class last year and personally benefitted from the knowledge it imparted, I’m beyond pissed off. High school students, by and large, are capable of higher thought and rational decision making. By excluding the fields of psychology which they deem inappropriate, Ron DeSantis and other republicans place their personal beliefs above the rights of public-school students across Florida to a full and free education.”

Gender and sexual orientation have been a part of AP Psych for the last thirty years. The initial “Don’t Say Gay” bill only covered grades K-3. This past spring it was expanded through 12th grade.

Similarly, AP African American History violated state law because it covered topics such as Black Lives Matter, Black Feminism and reparations.

The Human Rights Campaign, the nations largest LGBTQ civil rights group called Florida’s fight with the College Board a “disturbing attempt to rewrite history”.

Florida’s “Stop Woke Act” restricts how race is discussed in schools, colleges and workplaces and prohibits any teaching that could make students feel they bear personality responsibility for historical wrongs because of their race, color, sex or national origin.

Parts of this article were taken from a USA Today article by Ana Goni-Lessan of the Tallahassee Democrat.

Footnote The day after this sad decision came about the Florida State Board of Education has reversed course and now says that AP Psychology can be taught in its entirety. We will see how the Florida Legislature responds to this latest wrinkle. What is more important? The student’s education or the fear of them becoming “woke”?


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