Trotter vs. the NFL

The Superbowl is over but there is an interesting story that came out after the “Big Game” was played.  Jim Trotter, a reporter for the NFL Network asked Commissioner Roger Goodell about the lack of Black Senior Managers in the NFL newsroom.

Goodell’s response:

“I’m not in charge of the newsroom…This is the same question you asked last year.” He went on to say that the NFL reviewed its policies and that he was comfortable with the progress the NFL has made.

Correct me if I’m wrong but doesn’t he run the NFL? Shortly after this exchange, Jim Trotter’s contract was not renewed and he was out of a job. And we have another example of how the NFL fails at issues of race. Let’s not rehire the one reporter with the courage to bring these injustices to light. The NFL network is a major media player and it helps shape how players are viewed by the general public.

Surely this is no worse than players shooting guns in public or hitting their significant others. Punishment for these offenses is getting better. But we know that if they can play well on Sundays, then they most likely will not be punished severely. Not if they help put more money in the owner’s pockets.

The NFL population is 60-70% Black. The number of Black senior managers at the NFL network - 0. The number of Blacks on the NFL networks news desk – 0.

I’ll end this with a great quote from Jim Trotter;

“…journalism matters, and holding people accountable matters. And that’s part of our job, regardless of whether it’s our own employer or someone else.”

Parts of this piece were taken from an article by Mike Freeman in USA Today.


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