Why are Men not Included in the Discussion?

In all of this, I feel that we have failed ourselves in one of the key components of this narrative. What are we to do with the "men" in this tale?

Years ago in the 4th century a group of bishops got together and worked to firmly establish some guidelines for Western Christianity. Over the next Thousand years or so men established the divinity of Christ, put together what we call the Bible and firmly established formal Christian Doctrine. For the next thousand years it has been all downhill. And we are still spiraling downward today. Do you think during any of these discussions women were asked their opinions? Were they even invited to participate? Other than to clean and serve or prepare meals? They were not considered worthy. In fact, women were regarded as very little in most of the world at this time and for many years after. This line of thinking would persist until, to be quite honest, today. Yes, there has been much progress but you have to admit that as we watch this narrative unfold over Roe, we still have so far to go. Once again, we have a group of mostly men making decisions for the other half of the population.

I remember when Governor Greg Abbott of Texas was being questioned about Texas' new hard line anti-abortion laws. The question was brought up about allowing abortions in cases involving rape. His reply was "we're going to eliminate rape" (in Texas). I wonder how that's going to even happen? Somehow it will be made to be the woman's fault and she will be punished. Should women protect themselves with steel chastity belts? Is that what it will take?

Which brings me to the main point of this post. States are going to make it as difficult as they possibly can for a woman to do what she wants with her body, despite it being her right. But what about the men? We all know that it takes "2 people" to conceive a child. Have we forgotten about the other half of the equation? Why do men get the easy way out? Are they somehow superior? Surely not. Should men not bare as much responsibility for these situations as women do? Yes, the courts have stepped in and mandated men to pay "child support". Many still find a way to avoid these financial responsibilities. But what of the responsibilities of raising a child? This is easier said than done but if men were forced to hold up their end of the bargain, we would be in a better place in regards to unwanted pregnancies, of that there would be no doubt. Why is this not ever apart of the discussion? Is it because men do not feel the need to hold other men accountable? In fact, I have never heard a single pro-life person ever even mention that they are going to take the time to council, coach or provide advice to a single father who shirks his responsibility to his future child. Why is that? Do they too, put all of the onus on the women?

But it is mostly a few men making these decisions for all of the women in the United States. Equality has gotten better in politics but is still far from the percentages we see in society. There are still not enough women and people of color in the hallowed halls of both state and federal government. Thus the issues of equality still persist. Things such as equal pay have gotten better but is this something that has to be fought for with tooth and nail. Why does it not just happen as fair play for another human being that is equal to or better than most men out there.

Step with me back to Roe and I have to wonder why this discussion is even happening. As human beings we do not impose these laws on men's bodies. What if we came up with a law that said that if you rape a woman or father 2 children out of wedlock and refuse to be a Father, both financially and spiritually,  the consequence is getting castrated. Would that law ever pass? It should but I doubt it. In fact I am sure it never would. But I guarantee the situation would get better. Though you would take a woman's rights away when you have no right to do so?

Once again we need to take the power out of the hands of politicians. We have the power! We need to act the part. They have put Roe back in the hands of the states so we have to ability to set things right. Choose our leaders carefully. Make sure they support the agenda that you want. If not for you then do it for your children or their children.


Title IX Part 1


If We Only Had A Rewind Button