Our Voice - We have the Power!

I wanted to accomplish a few things with this blog. I hoped to educate some people on the topics I cover. And do not worry, they will not all be politically motivated. I hoped to have my voice heard in a sea of rants and raves. Add to that, the fact that I just like hearing myself talk about my opinions and you have the potential for a lot of blabbering. Oh well.

            But one thing I really wanted to bring to the forefront is the power that we all hold as Americans. This is one country in the world where if we really made an effort to band together and in a single direction, think about the amazing things we could accomplish.

            One of my hero's in this is Stacey Abrams of Georgia. Arguably robbed of the governorship of that state in 2018, she could have taken a back seat and watched Georgia politics pass her by. But she did not lay down. She stood up and fought. Look what she has done mobilizing voters in that state. With a simple and very energetic grass roots campaign to register and get voters to the polls she has seemingly moved mountains. You know you have it going when the powers that be start changing laws to slow you down. The establishment is afraid of this woman. And well they should be because she is the voice of the people and she is on a mission. Her lawsuit against the state of Georgia and how it handled the 2018 elections is just now going to trial. And look for her to win the Governorship of Georgia in 2022.

            The power we wield, collectively, is enormous. If we could just get organized. The majority of Americans support waiting until 21 to purchase assault weapons or even a 10 day waiting period to received the purchased weapon. But many Senators have been very open about this being non-negotiable from the start. Why? The people obviously want it. Is it because the NRA will not pay Senators any money for that vote? But if we, as a group, simply voted 2-3 of these people out of office and were very vocal about why. Senators would be singing a new song very quickly.

            This does not just apply to politics. Concert tickets too much? Stop going! Tired of sports owners gouging fans at the box office and for parking? Stop going and watching on television! For the sake of true transparency I must admit that I feel professional athletes are entitled to every penny that they are receiving. In fact, under the current systems, I feel they are actually underpaid. But that argument is for another day. If everyone in America protested even for just one weekend, it would be monumental. Marches and demonstrations can be very impressive and moving. But it seems like we need to hit them in the pocket book or ballot box for anyone to take us seriously.

            Prices are set by what the market will support. So you say that you do not want to pay $200 for those Nike shoes that cost probably less than $10 to make? Stop buying them! The price stays high because they know people will buy them at that price. We are the suckers! Stop it!

But the beauty of it is that we also have the power to change it. So let's start getting it done.


What Just Happened?


January 6th Hearings - Initial Thoughts