January 6th Hearings - Initial Thoughts

                Just a quick one today as I sit here recounting what I saw on television the other night. Day 1 of the January 6th hearings aired and they did not disappoint. Sensationalized? Sure to a degree. But you have to agree that the "never before seen' video of January 6th storming of the capital was far more brutal, front and center, than  I had ever imagined. "Overwhelming" might be a better term for it. "Witch Hunt"? No, I do not think so. Even if you are completely apolitical, you cannot help but be moved by what went down that day. That building represents everything that we are and have in this country. Whether you fall left or right of the middle you cannot run or hide from that fact.

Most of us have seen some or all of the January 6th hearings in the news and on television. Former college and pro football coach, Jimmy Johnson, once said of football, and I am paraphrasing here, "football is a sport tailor made for television. It can make a 3 yard gain look like Armageddon." The same can be said for these hearings. The first day was both captivating and horrifying at the same time. But I wanted to share with you a couple of points that really stood out to me from Day 1.

Rep. Liz Cheney speaking to Donald Trump supporters:

          "There will come a day when Donald Trump is gone, but your dishonor will remain" 1

From taped testimony former US Attorney General William Barr used phrases like "crazy stuff", complete nonsense" and a "grave disservice to the country" in reference to fraud claims involving Dominion Voting Systems. 1

Following this was this great quote, "I respect Attorney General Barr. So I accepted what he is saying." From none other than Ivanka Trump. 1

            One last shout out top those brave women and men of the Capitol Police who bravely stood their ground against insurmountable and overwhelming odds. They put their lives at risk for a cause that they felt was greater than their own. Could you or I have done as much?

1              "How cable news covered the January 6th committee hearings: 'Absolutely devastating'" by Bill Goodykoontz, Arizona Republic. Read in USA Today, June 10, 2022

  These are not criminal proceedings so no formal charges will come of these hearings. But what they will show that following this man, former President Donald Trump, is a path that leads nowhere other than backwards. How people are so blinded into thinking that he does anything for anyone other than for himself is beyond me. Please open your eyes and see what he really represents.

           Editor's Note - We are well past this initial hearing now and I hope you have been paying attention to the proceedings. This concerns all of us. Can this really be the man that you want to run the country? Think and Act!


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