Book Ban
Tai Lee Tai Lee

Book Ban

September 1 marks the day that Texas Law will require booksellers to evaluate and rate books they have and will sell to schools on sexual content. Classics such as “Romeo and Juliet” and “Of Mice and Men” are potentially set to be banned in Texas schools.

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Orlando Magic Fail
Tai Lee Tai Lee

Orlando Magic Fail

“However, if contributions are made on behalf of an entire team, using money earned through the labor of its employees, it is incumbent upon the team governors to consider the diverse values and perspectives of staff and players. The Magic’s donation does not represent player support for the recipient.”

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Psych…AP no more
Tai Lee Tai Lee

Psych…AP no more

While we are growing up, we are taught that lies are wrong and to always tell the truth. But somewhere along the line of life we lose this quality. Some people only misplace parts of the truth, but others run away from the it entirely. These laws that Florida has passed to alter their educational policies leaves the truth so far behind that I fear that everyone of that state will suffer. No good can come from these policies as young people will be blinded from what really is and perpetuate these lies for future generations.

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Changing Black Education
Tai Lee Tai Lee

Changing Black Education

Florida’s State Board of Education has approved new standards for the teaching of African American history in schools. This is a new standard that millions of children and young adults will receive until it is hopefully reversed.

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 Church Hypocrisy
Tai Lee Tai Lee

 Church Hypocrisy

A Federal Appeals Court ruled recently that a Catholic High School in Indianapolis was free to fire a Guidance Counselor because she was gay and performed at least some “religious duties”. Because we all know that people are incapable of simultaneously being gay and having faith.

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A United States?
Tai Lee Tai Lee

A United States?

“We live in a time when Democracy is becoming fragile and the cruel intentions of our fellow citizens are becoming clearer, their violence bolder. Barr is well acquainted with the possible tragic events of calls for extermination. Sadly, instead of targeting these dehumanizing forces with her comedy, she’s joining their effort with despicable rhetoric.”

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Garth – The Man
Tai Lee Tai Lee

Garth – The Man

Sadly, many fans of country music are also ones who have been on board with “Bud Lighting” the LGBTQ+ community and those companies that choose to support them.

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Cowardice? I Agree
Tai Lee Tai Lee

Cowardice? I Agree

Lately, we have seen company’s fold under the pressure of conservative views and ideals. Tragically at the cost of disillusioning the LGBTQ community across the country. Not that this is anything new. The term “Bud Lighting” has been coined to describe these actions named for Anheuser Busch’s collapse to the actions and opinions of a few immature and ignorant individuals.

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Going Backward
Tai Lee Tai Lee

Going Backward

These days we seem to see more and more movement to the political right from Florida. The State’s policies regarding the LGBTQ community are far from fair and push decency out the door. Is this how we were taught to treat people?

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My Dodgers…
Tai Lee Tai Lee

My Dodgers…

“The Dodgers have always championed diversity and inclusion as core values, and we’re honored to showcase our dedication to fostering an inclusive environment both on and off the field during our tenth annual LGBTQ+ Pride Night.

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Present Crap – Future Hope
Tai Lee Tai Lee

Present Crap – Future Hope

“And Tango Makes Three”, is a children’s book by Peter Parnell and Justin Richardson. It describes the story of two male penguins who have bonded with each other and are given an egg by the zookeeper. They hatch the egg and a baby chick becomes the latest member of their family.

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Trotter vs. the NFL
Tai Lee Tai Lee

Trotter vs. the NFL

The Superbowl is over but there is an interesting story that came out after the “Big Game” was played. Jim Trotter, a reporter for the NFL Network asked Commissioner Roger Goodell about the lack of Black Senior Managers in the NFL newsroom.

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Equal Pay Day
Tai Lee Tai Lee

Equal Pay Day

It is very important to study history. It is where we come from and lines out what will become of us. As we look at our past and see the endless cycles repeating themselves, we have to ask ourselves how can we do better?

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Catholic change of heart?
Tai Lee Tai Lee

Catholic change of heart?

Reconciliation between Churches and the LGBTQ community is far from complete. It is something that never should have happened in the first place but did as ignorance and backward thinking influenced those that followed “God’s will”.

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Tony Dungy – American Ignoramus
Tai Lee Tai Lee

Tony Dungy – American Ignoramus

Tony Dungy is a former professional American football player and Super Bowl winning coach. During the season, he is televised nationally on NBC as part of their “game of the week” broadcast crew. If you watch the show, Tony Dungy is well spoken and intelligent.

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Desperate Iran?
Tai Lee Tai Lee

Desperate Iran?

Why does it seem that violence and hate seem to perpetuate themselves on each other. They seem to grow as tumors. A malignancy that has a goal of choking off the world from whatever decency we have. But they will not win. We fight back and others join the cause until in the end, we have won.

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Why Qatar?
Tai Lee Tai Lee

Why Qatar?

Every four years the world gathers in some country to participate in the Football World Cup. This year it is being held in the country of Qatar. This tournament has been blackened for years already for the human rights abuses inflicted on an imported workforce to build stadiums and support structures such as hotels for the upcoming event.

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Iran in Turmoil
Tai Lee Tai Lee

Iran in Turmoil

The following are excerpts from an NPR article that was written by Leila Fadez and published on 11/23/2022. These brave men and women protesting the religious authoritarian regime, in Iran, have fought for months to be able to live a life that they feel is worth living. Working around Iran’s internet blackout these courageous souls send voice memos trying to explain why they protest.

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Did Anyone See This Coming?
Tai Lee Tai Lee

Did Anyone See This Coming?

We are surrounded by great acts of courage, in many shapes and forms, each day. It shows itself in so many ways. A person battling a disease, mental illness or injury to refugees searching for a place to call home or soldiers fighting for a place that they call home. I have been inspired lately by an event unfolding in Iran and wanted to support these brave people and others who have shown great courage in the face of oppression.

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Tank Man
Tai Lee Tai Lee

Tank Man

A young man calmly walks out into the street. Does he know that this act of bravery will resonate for decades? Does he understand that he will be a symbol for millions in the fight against Chinese totalitarian oppression? We still do not even have confirmation of his real identity. The British Tabloid, Sunday Express, reports his name is Wang Weilin. They say he was, at the time of the event, a 19 year old archaeology student but this still has never been verified. For this article I will refer to him by this name.

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